
Proud American Standard Supplier

Feb 19th 2024

Proud American Standard Supplier

New York Replacement Parts Corporation brings the availability of American Standard products to consumers, commercial plumbers and anyone else in need of an American Standard item. American Standard products are used all over the globe by you, your neighbors and millions in other Countries as well. 

American Standard Replacement Parts

Our bathrooms and kitchens are two of the most important places in our homes for cooking and taking care of our bodies health. The American Standard faucets, shower parts and toilet products are among the best and here at New York Replacement parts Corp we strive to get your orders out as fast as possible. We know when you place an order it's because you need it, so we get it to you as fast as we can. Replacement parts for your kitchen and/or bathroom are essential for being able to use your faucets, toilets and showers. If you have any questions regarding a specific part you need please get in touch with us! CONTACT US